How To Undertake a Bankruptcy Search in the Isle of Man

Bankruptcy Searches in Isle of man

Are bankruptcy searches for beneficiaries located in the Isle of Man required?

The Isle of Man has its own bankruptcy regulations and has its own way of registering and recording bankruptcies, which are separate to the UK.

Isle of Man bankruptcies will not be discovered via a bankruptcy search in England and Wales or via a Scottish Bankruptcy Search.

Just like with any other jurisdiction it is therefore important to conduct a bankruptcy search against a beneficiary located in the Isle of Man before paying out any inheritance funds.

International Bankruptcy Searches can conduct a search of the Isle of Man court bankruptcy records to confirm the bankruptcy status of an individual resident in the Isle of Man.

How can check if someone is bankrupt in the Isle of Man?

The Isle of Man courts hold computerised records of bankruptcy proceedings. You can order a search of the bankruptcy records in the Isle of Man via our website and we will provide you with a report to confirm whether the individual is subject to bankruptcy proceedings in the Isle of Man.  

You will need to provide the following information for the person you wish to search:

  • Full name

  • Date of Birth

  • Address

or contact us on 01244 470339

or email


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